Custom Gamemodes League of Legends Wiki
Custom Gamemodes League of Legends Wiki


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Welcome to the CustomLoL Wiki

This wiki describes the common gamemodes used in custom games of League of Legends.


The chat channel "customlol"

Creating a custom game

Listed gamemodes

Name Map Mode Based on...
Fun Skill Teamwork Luck

All Random All Mid | ARAM

Summoners Rift Random Mode X X X . . X X . . . X X . . . X X X X .
All Random All Bot | ARAB Crystal Scar Random Mode X X X . . X X . . . X X . . . X X X . .
All Catch Veigar Crystal Scar | ACVCS Crystal Scar Draft Mode X X X X . X X X . . X X X X . X . . . .
Draft Racing | DR Summoners Rift Draft Mode X X X . . X X X X . X X X X . -
Brothers n Arms | BnA Crystal Scar Blind Pick X X X X . X X X X . X X X X X X X . . .
Ultimate Bravery | UB Summoners Rift Blind Pick X X X X X X X . . . X . . . . X X X X X
King of the Rift | KoR Summoners Rift Draft Mode X X X . . X X X . . X X X . . X X . . .
Hide and Seek | HnS Summoners Rift Draft Mode X X X X . X X X . . X X X X X X X X . .
All Mid Draft | AMD Summoners Rift Draft Mode X X X . . X X X X . X X X . . -
All Bot Draft | ABD Crystal Scar Draft Mode X X X . . X X X . . X X X . . -
All Zeal Draft | AZD Summoners Rift Draft Mode X X . . . X X X . . X . . . . -

Gamemodes that still need to be tested more

Evil Twin (multiple Gamemodes) Brothers n Arms is listed already, Annihilation needs 2-3 more tests, Farmville is not tested yet
Catch the Teemo 1-2 more tests, then it's listed
Dominion Racing aka Domion Double Dash aka Mario Kart Racing rules need rework
Capture the Buff | Capture the Buff 3 CTB version 2 is crap, version 3 is not tested yet
Hide and Seek Crystal Scar has to be tested
Towerball has to be tested

Coming gamemodes

Draft Racing II (testing atm, should be faster and more fun than draft racing, but more difficult)

All Random All Jungle (exists already)

All Yordle All Mid (exists already)

Protect the Queen / Protect Soraka (exists already, but is never played, at least not on EUW servers)


  1. Strategy and Pick/Bans for All Mid/Bot Draft
  2. Some more gamemodes.
  3. Champion Tier lists for gamemodes